Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle by Maintaining Nutrition and Drinking Water

the importance of maintaining nutrition and drinking water


Photo by Nigel Msipa on Unsplash

A healthy lifestyle is how to regulate the balance between the body and the spirit. There are several ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Namely by implementing regular exercise habits, adequate rest and paying attention to a good diet.

A healthy lifestyle can also pay attention to lifestyle habits by paying attention to certain factors that can affect health, one of which is nutrition. Nutrients are nutrients needed to maintain a healthy body.

Healthy foods are foods that are able to meet the nutritional needs of the body, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Nutrition is also an example of an important role in pregnant women to maintain the health of the fetus. Nutrition for adults can be consumed with 30% fat, 30% protein, and 40% carbohydrates. Furthermore, no less important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, namely by consuming more water.

Water is a liquid and is a substance that the body really needs. Therefore, every human being is required to consume at least 8 glasses of water per day. Besides that, water is very good for the detoxification process or releasing toxins in the body so that water is believed to be an antioxidant.

Therefore we need to apply the habit of drinking water in everyday life. As we know, water plays an important role in meeting the needs of fluids in our body.

If water intake is lacking in the body, it will have a negative impact on health. Nowadays, not many people live a healthy life by drinking water. They even prefer coffee that contains caffeine rather than water which is believed to be an antioxidant in the body.

In addition, if the lack of water can reduce the concentration in the body because the lack of water intake in the brain can cause not to focus on carrying out activities. Besides having a negative impact on health, lack of water can also have a negative impact on the skin.

The negative impact on the skin can cause the skin to become dull, and can cause acne. Lack of water can also cause bladder infections which are very dangerous for the body.

Not only water, nutrition is equally important for health, especially for pregnant women. Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining pregnancy so that the fetus is maintained and healthy.

Examples of nutrients needed in pregnant women are folate and folic acid such as liver, nuts and eggs; calcium such as salmon and shrimp; vitamin D like cheese and milk; proteins such as lean beef, chicken, and salmon; iron such as red meat and cereals.

Nutrition is very important for the body to be able to ward off disease, maintain health and growth , (WHO, 2021) . Nutrition is an important element for the body. Therefore we need protein, minerals, and iron. The first function of protein is to repair cells and increase immunity. In addition, protein is divided into two types, namely animal and vegetable.

Examples of animal protein are salmon, chicken, eggs, cheese and cow’s milk. Examples of vegetable protein are tofu, tempeh, green beans and broccoli. The second mineral is to maintain muscle, heart and brain. The third iron is an important role for pregnant women.

If pregnant women apply it regularly will avoid anemia. Then, water is no less important for the health of the body because water can contain antioxidants which are good for the health of the body. In addition, the benefits for pregnant women are that it can help the development of the baby and can reduce high blood pressure or hypertension in pregnant women.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle as described above, namely eating healthy and nutritious food and drinking plenty of water or 2.7 liters per day.

Then in addition to healthy and nutritious food, maintain a healthy lifestyle, which can be done by exercising. Exercise is very important to maintain fitness and keep the body healthy. Second, regulate salt and sugar intake.

Consuming excess sugar can cause diabetes which is dangerous for health, especially in pregnant women. The third is enough sleep or rest. Sleep or rest is a basic need that is important for humans to refresh our bodies and to replenish energy after a day of activities. And lastly maintain cleanliness. If the environment is dirty it can cause disease.

Therefore, we need to adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to increase metabolism in the body and strengthen immunity which can prevent disease. Also, don’t forget to eat healthy foods that contain iron, namely cereal. Then don’t forget to drink 2.7 liters of water per day to maintain and maintain a healthy body.



Rangga Aditiya Saputra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

A man who loves to write. Filling spare time by writing is fun. my other posts, visit here