Spring of Tears

There is nothing more depressing than the sadness of not finding a comfortable place to grieve.

Rangga Aditiya Saputra
2 min readAug 6, 2022
Photo by Kat J on Unsplash

There is a story from a land that does not humanize humans.

A land that has an unwritten rule that says,

“Those who celebrate grief on purpose will be arrested, punished and then given the nickname weak human after being released.”

For fear of the punishment that must be received. Now the people of that land are competing to keep themselves busy by doing things that make them not look like weak humans.

Several ways were found. However, the most frequently used way to hide sadness is, by pretending to be a strong human being.

They laugh a lot, though never know what they are actually laughing at. They hate to the fullest, to cover up the voices of sorrow they hide.

Year after year passed. The policy on the regulation of not being sad has begun to take root. Parents who are afraid that their children are called weak humans are now forced to forbid their children to cry from an early age. Whatever happens.

Year after year passed. People are subject to tragic circumstances. Slogans to become a strong human being voiced even stronger. Even if it sounds like bullshit.

Until one day. There was a time traveler who stopped by and filed a lawsuit against the country’s top brass.

What’s wrong with humans wanting to celebrate their grief? Isn’t there none. Sadness and tears are not a contagious curse.

Isn’t a weak human being a human who denies his weakness? Isn’t a strong man a man who dares to accept his weakness?

Without sadness, we don’t know how much happiness means. Without tears, we don’t know what laughter means. You want to kill the human instincts of your own people? You want to turn your own people into heartless robots?

People have the right to preserve their own springs of tears. People have the right to grieve in peace. People have the right to say whatever they want to say.

Remember. There is nothing sadder than sadness that has no comfortable place to grieve.

Moreover. Humans pretend to be strong, can’t really be strong humans. Is not it? Now, think about removing that rule.



Rangga Aditiya Saputra

A man who loves to write. Filling spare time by writing is fun. my other posts, visit here https://ko-fi.com/ranggaadts